Our Services
We provide a range of services to assist you to live as independently as possible, in the way you desire. We ensure that staff providing your services are perfectly matched to your level of need and personal preferences. Our Team consists of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing services that best suit you. Currently we offer the following:
Supported Independent Living
Silverline Care provides dedicated group accommodation homes focussed on supporting residents to live as independently as possible, with support provided by a team of experienced allied health
professionals and support workers.
Participation in Community
Assist our participants in accessing the community. This can be going to the mall, visiting the doctor or going to the park.
Assistance with Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
All our services have an emphasis on supporting you to live as independently as possible in the way you desire. We support you to a range of mentoring, training, and development activities to help
increase your capacity and ability to undertake the day-to-day activities you find important.
Assistance with travel and transport
Our friendly staff will support you with all your transport needs. We support our participants to connect from one place to the other to meet their individual transportation needs.
In addition to long-term accommodation, we can provide short-term and emergency respite support for families and carers, by providing high-quality support for clients within our Supported Independent Living (SIL) accommodation.
Household Tasks
Silverline Care is equipped to support a variety of household tasks within your own home. Our aim is to promote independent living. Our caring and professional staff understand the importance of consistency and choice hence we endeavour to support you in achieving your daily tasks as well as any other goals.